Alex and Ryan on Quantico

9 Thoughts on Quantico: “Found” — Oct. 25, 2015

Alex and Ryan on Quantico
Photo courtesy of ABC

Quantico is the most glorious new show of Fall 2015. It’s a sexy soap opera about hot-blooded FBI recruits and a terrorist attack. Someone came up with that idea and got it greenlit. That is awe-inspiring! Here are some stream-of-consciousness ramblings about the latest episode.

  1. Wait, the present day scenes are supposed to take place two days after the attack? Is that what they said? In four episodes Alex emerged from the rubble of a bombing, was interrogated by the feds, arrested, escaped courtesy of a gambit orchestrated by Miranda, became the subject of a manhunt got into at least two girl-fights, swam the Hudson from Manhattan to Riverdale in the Bronx, went to Brooklyn, took Shelby hostage, met with Anonymous and her long-wear makeup remains on-point.
  2. Months-ago Quantico is the love shack. Take that, Tinder!
  3. Miranda and Liam sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G committing A-D-U-L-T-E R-Y. Well, we didn’t see it, but that’s the backstory. There’s one small step from cheating to bombing so keep an eye on them.
  4. I love Nimah, but the twins’ red pantsuits were alarming. Say no to palazzo pants, they make you look guilty and might result in a federal inquiry.
  5. Thank God Shelby and Caleb finally got around to hate-sex. We knew it was coming, but don’t they give off a brother and sister vibe? Flowers in the Attic OS X. They are guilty of being weird.
  6. The long, national nightmare is over: Alex and Ryan finally did it again with some undercover role-playing. Very steamy. The suite looked more comfortable than the reverse-cowgirl in the car. They are guilty of making us wait. Also, do they have a shipper name? Is it #Ralex?
  7. When the twins were talking on the bed, Mr. TV Recaps wandered in and said, “That’s just one actress? She must be good if she can flirt with herself like that.”
  8. All kidding aside, the scene in which Simon confessed to Elias was unusual. He cried about pretending to be gay. Have we ever seen that before: a character crying about being secretly straight? That’s a twist. Of course, it’s Simon so who knows. He’s so shifty, he could be lying about lying about lying.
  9. It has been confirmed that Simon does not need glasses and only pretended to like coffee. Now he appears to be a spastic dancer. A tea-drinking heterosexual with perfect vision and no rhythm? J’accuse!

So, who do you think did it? We enjoy your witty comments, they don’t appear right away, but we promise we’ll get to them as soon as we find our fake glasses.

Quantico airs Sundays at 10/9c on ABC

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