Quinn, Olivia and Huck in Liv's living room on Scandal

13 Thoughts on Scandal: “Dog-Whistle Politics” — Oct. 15, 2015

Quinn, Olivia and Huck in Liv's living room on Scandal
Photo courtesy of ABC

Oh, Scandal, every time I think I’m out, you pull me back in. Who am I kidding? I’m ride-or-die with this series no matter how vexed I get. Here are some stream-of-consciousness ramblings on the latest episode, “Dog-Whistle Politics.” Let’s go!

  1. Pope family flashbacks! it’s all about that Papa Pope mustache. Such cute little Liv pictures.
  2. This Quinn scene with Marcus Walker is a nifty echo of her introduction to Pope and Associates in the pilot. I miss Harrison. I know, I know why he can’t come back. A replacement gladiator is long overdue. Finally, another black person in town who isn’t one of Olivia’s relatives or Rowan’s assassins — until we find out that Marcus is Liv’s murderous second cousin.
  3. Hi Charlie! Charlie would be a top-notch Gladiator. He’s smart, efficient and isn’t a loose cannon like Huck.
  4. If you are Olivia Pope, why do you lounge about with your drapes open?
  5. Oh, Jake knows this woman. Run away with her, please. Married, you say? Enjoy getting reacquainted. Au revoir!
  6. Yes, this show is addressing dog whistles! It’s like when that jackass, Anthony Horowitz called Idris Elba too “street” to play James Bond. We can hear you, you know.
  7. Olivia is being degraded by dateless guys on Reddit. Can’t Fitz at least find some IP addresses? No, he’s useless. Huck could do it. He’d hack the hell out of the cowards. Where is Anonymous when you need them. Seriously, you guys, you could take down those pipsqueaks. If you’re reading this, please don’t hack my account, Anonymous, I’m on your side!
  8. This is a cute Apple commercial with Kerry Washington, Taraji P. Henson, and Mary J. Blige. I’ve only seen it when I’m watching Scandal and Empire. Do they air it on shows that don’t feature black stars? Do they show it during, let’s say, The Good Wife? Just wondering, no shade.
  9. Marcus is calling the press out on their b.s. bigotry. He is now my favorite Gladiator.
  10. Oh, Fitz has decided not to be a wimp, cue the requisite upbeat song. It’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered I’m Yours.” My beloved Stevie Wonder makes everything better. I now feel less hateful toward Fitz.
  11. Fitz just publicly went to Liv’s apartment and invited her on a date. Team Olitz!
  12. Why am I so weak?
  13. Yay — it’s handled — America won’t be racist now!

We welcome smart and witty comments. They don’t appear right away, but we promise we’ll get to them.

Scandal airs Thursdays at 9/8c on ABC

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