37 Thoughts on How to Get Away with Murder: “It’s Time to Move On” — Sept. 24, 2015

How to Get Away with Murder returned for a second season this week with the episode “It’s Time to Move On.” Here are some stream-of-consciousness ramblings on the premiere. *Wine was consumed while writing this.
- Am I really into a second season? I didn’t love the first season as much as I wanted to.
- Except for Viola Davis, who is everything.
- I really did not care for Rebecca, so I’m glad she’s gone.
- Wait, am I going to have to see her in flashbacks all season?
- Only ten days later?
- Annalise/Viola is rocking that green dress and her hair is on-point.
- Wow, when did Wes get so mouthy?
- Seriously, Wes, you don’t talk to a man like Moe Greene like that — and you most definitely do not talk to a woman like Annalise Keating like that.
- Michaela: “Oh, you want me to stop being annoying?” Yes, Michaela, I’ve wanted you to be less annoying since Day One.
- Case of the week grievance: I’d like everyone to not use the phrase “real children” when talking about adoptees.
- Bonnie is into Asher now and he’s giving her the brush-off, that has got to sting.
- That’s the way he rolls, Bonnie, you should have seen the way he treated Dayanara Diaz.
- Watch it Asher, you could be the next to die. Bonnie strikes me as crazy.
- Why, hello, Mr. Sexy Cop, you have been missed.
- “White folks, always bringing up race when it suits them, never when it matters.” Thanks for the quote of the week, Nate aka Mr. Sexy Cop.
- Nancy Lee Grahn desperately wanted to Tweet something stupid about that, but her publicist just put duct tape on her hands.
- That purple coat with the red trim? Hand it over, Annalise.
- Another one, Michaela? No gaydar at all. She certainly has a type.
- The way Annalise looks at Wes is unnerving.
- What’s going on here, is Frank checking out Michaela’s online dating profile?
- The relationships on this show are so bizarre.
- Yep, it looks like we’ll be seeing Rebecca all season. Sigh.
- Bonnie did it! I thought she was guilty all Season One and she wasn’t, but now she is.
- Asher seriously better watch his back. Though, I wouldn’t mind if she took him out.
- Bonus, now that the murder mystery has been solved are we done with Rebecca scenes?
- I’m getting a vibe here, was Annalise involved with whoever it is Famke Janssen is playing?
- I didn’t think she…
- Oh, she does.
- Another Annalise outfit I want. The trim on this white jacket is so cute.
- Connor is into being monogamous now? Wasn’t he a man slut a couple of days ago?
- Look at Annalise getting her club on. These characters always seem like they are on the verge of an orgy.
- These students may get extra credit.
- Two months later already? Is Wes coming out of the case-of-the-week house?
- Wait, what?
- Annalise got shot?!
- Holy shit!
- I’m so in.
What did you think about the episode? Comments don’t appear immediately, but we promise we’ll get to them.