Fans We Love: SleepyHeads Edition
What else can we say but, #SleepyHeadsRepresent!
What else can we say but, #SleepyHeadsRepresent!
Dear Sleepy Hollow,
The Sleepyheads miss you. We may or may not rewatch the pilot and “Tempus Fugit,” just to savor the parallels. We may or may not hit pause to look at the photos on Abbie’s cellphone. It doesn’t even matter that we know nobody was around to take those pictures or that we’re not sure if 18th-century Ichabod would use the Little-endian (day, month, year) format or Middle-endian (month, day, year) format to enter his birthday as the password.
In this episode, Moloch’s ranting about the End of Days proves to be more than just big talk. Henry taunts his parents and someone dies.
Ichabod is so grateful to be with his Leftenant and Miss Jenny in the archives. He missed his musty books so much. He needs this more than they do. Abbie has an exciting career and has moved past Witnessing, but Ichabod has two things he can cling to, his knowledge of history and his ability to Witness. Without Abbie, he can’t do the latter. His family betrayed him, he must have been quite lonely.
May all your wishes come true. Katrina’s not moping about waiting to get rescued. All the players you want to see are in action: Team Witness is united, Frank and Jenny are back in play. What could possibly go wrong?
When Sleepy Hollow’s ratings slipped, some blamed the focus on Katrina Crane. The show finally killed her off. Fans were pleased, but will the bold move help keep the show alive?
To celebrate Sleepy Hollow’s Season 3 premiere on October 1, TV Recappers’ Delight is serving up a seven-day lovefest. Here are 33 tidbits Sleepyheads should know.