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10 Reasons to Love Sleepy Hollow’s Jenny Mills
We have been celebrating tomorrow night’s Sleepy Hollow Season 3 premiere, with a seven-day lovefest. Yes, we are completely in love with Abbie Mills and swoon over that damn sexy hobo Ichabod Crane, but there’s another Team Witness member we adore, Abbie’s sister, the smart and nuanced action girl, Miss Jenny Mills.

Sleepy Hollow: “Sanctuary” — Nov. 25, 2013
Ichabod Crane wants to reunite with wife Katrina, who has been uploaded to the cloud. Mrs. Crane is given to brief, cryptic messages, so saving her would be easier if she told him more. That’s just Katrina; she keeps things — such as being a witch —to herself. The Cranes have communication issues.

Sleepy Hollow: “Novus Ordo Seclorum” — Nov. 19, 2015
Jenny Mills is a smart, brave artifact hunter, but unfortunately, she fooled around with this shard and now appears to be under the control of Pandora, a fashionable but totally crazy pants sorceress. FBI Agent Abbie Mills will not stand for this and is going to find her sister. Ichabod Crane goes wherever Abbie goes—most of the time—so it’s Team Witness to the rescue.

Sleepy Hollow’s Abbie Mills: Everybody’s Dream Girl
In honor of Sleepy Hollow’s Season 3 return on October 1, we’re in the midst of a weeklong celebration. We love Abbie Mills, Ichabod is completely in love with Abbie Mills and just about every character is fascinated by Abbie Mills.

A Very Sleepy Christmas
Time to discuss our favorite Sleepy Hollow-related gifts from the past year.

Sleepy Hollow: “Blood and Fear” — Oct. 15, 2015
At Chez Crazypants, Pandora is up to her usual monkeyshines. She talks to herself and conjures a dagger. She also tends to her mystical flowers. Sleepyheads suffer PTSD from feeble flower-magic attempts of Season 2, but none of that is Pandora’s fault. She is a swell sorceress, if Pandora wants to garden, let her garden.