
Six Ways to Fix Sleepy Hollow

Okay, Sleepyheads, we’ve had a few problems during the first part of this season. Chalk it up to sophomore nerves. The show that captured our attention in its first season can easily correct itself. Here’s what’s on our wish list when the show returns in January.

Ichabod and Abbie at a baseball game on Sleepy Hollow.

Play’s the Thing

Don’t back away from the playfulness. With so much attention paid to the monster of the week, Ichabod and Abbie have had less time to engage in the banter and humor that infused the first season. Jenny and Irving also delivered laughs, let’s have more of that.

Do utilize the supporting cast. Even with their immense charm, Tom Mison and Nichole Beharie can’t carry the whole show. Make use of your terrific B-team. It was criminal to sideline Lyndie Greenwood and Orlando Jones this season. Since dead people don’t necessarily stay dead on this show, bring Orlando’s Irving back fast. Not for one minute do we believe that you’d get rid of a fan favorite.

Go Big and BadJenny and Captain Irving at the sheriff's department in Sleepy Hollow.

Do have more menacing Big Bads. If you need guidance, go watch some more “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” and “Angel.” Aside from empty threats, Moloch didn’t do all that much. Henry did the heavy lifting and that got old when he turned into Wile E. Coyote. Moloch just yammered on about the End of Days, but didn’t make much impact. Aside from killing Officer Andy in the pilot, he was mostly all talk. This brings us to…

Luke Morales talks to Abbie on Sleepy Hollow.


Loose Threads

Don’t drop stories and potential stories willy-nilly. In “This is War,” the first episode of the season, we found John Cho’s Andy in Purgatory. Why not release him? He’s a useful complex character. Whatever happened to the Kindred? Do you mean to tell us that thing is just galloping around the village with the Headless Horseman’s missing skull? What was the point of that Jenny/Hawley kiss? That came out of nowhere and disappeared just as quickly. Didn’t Abbie have an ex, Luke Morales? Where’d he go after he got possessed by Ancitif? Can’t he pop up to give Ichabod side-eye?

Put Down that Hatchet

Don’t be too hasty to kill interesting guest stars. Caroline, the Ichabod fangirl was funny. Too bad she was immediately knocked off by the Weeping Lady. More tertiary characters contribute to worldbuilding. Mary Wells could have stuck around and adjusted to the 21st century. Let her be a bitchy foe to Katrina, Mary likes her even less than we do. Speaking of witch, we mean which.

Katrina Crane Sleepy Hollow.

Katrina, Ugh

Do something about Katrina. Aside from playing the foil for Ichabbie shippers, she’s an insipid extraneous character. We thought she was a dud in Purgatory but she’s even worse in Sleepy Hollow. Her magical powers have diminshed, there’s no real chemistry with Ichabod and she’s a pain in the ass forever in need of rescuing. Just send her out to buy more corsets and skinny jeans and keep her off-screen for awhile. Or let her and Abraham rule as the next Big Bads. At least then she might be tolerable.

We love you, Show. We are superfans. Come on, get it together. We know you can.

What do you want to see? Head down to the comments and tell us!

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