9 Thoughts on Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 6: “Piece of Sh*t”
Netflix released Orange is the New Black Season 4 on Friday and I’m on Day Three of the binge. I know, I know, this should have been completed in 13 straight hours. I violated the rules of my own binge guide by sitting down to dinner, sleeping, interacting with Mr. TV Recaps and feeding the dog. Piscatella just gave me a shot so I better step on it. Here are some stream-of-consciousness ramblings from my binge. Let’s go!
- Woo hoo! It’s Nicky. She’s still in supermax, but she’s alive, not in a hole and got a 30-day chip in her substance abuse class. Spoiler: She needs to give that chip back.
- Thanks to Piper–Piper Chapman who was on track to sell artisanal soaps to Barneys before her arrest in Season 1–a new whites-only task force has emerged. The dress code allows inmates to show up with skinned heads and the group’s duties include breaking up groups of “water niggers and plain niggers, too.” They also report suspicious behavior to a Corrections officer. In other words, Piper would fit right in as part of the Trump Presidential campaign. This is the type of thing you’d expect from Season 1 Pennsatucky, the toothless evangelical leader of the meth heads. This current mess, which is bound to end in violence, is because of Piper’s operation to supply used panties to pervs on the outside. She alienated the Latinas and now they have a rival operation. Piper is sparking a race war to maintain dominance in the used panties business. She’s like Walmart edging out small businesses. To borrow a quote from new CO Desi Piscatella: I will never find Piper adorable. Looking sheepish isn’t going to endear her to me. Moving on.
Piper has a new brand on OITNB - Well, that backfired. Piper’s White Powerpuff Girls reported that something fishy is going on with panties. Now Piper’s girls are going to get busted in the stop and frisk. Oh, wait, that’s not happening because the COs are racially profiling as they force suspected inmates to drop trou.
- Whew, we’re back to a witty scene about another scheme. Taystee can make money by selling a picture of celebrity chef Judy King to a gossip magazine. Taystee, Black Cindy and Crazy Eyes are in on it. Now all they need is a camera; well looky here, Black Cindy’s new roommate Alison Abdulla hides a contraband phone in her hijab. The TSA gave my hair a pat down once. I’m not making that up. In fairness to the TSA, it took some bobby pins to rock that chignon. In any case, if Black Cindy, a newly converted Jew, and Alison, a Muslim can put their conflict aside, this paparazzi plan can work.
- When are they going to let Sophia out of the SHU? Aside from the basic inhumanity, I’m focused on her chapped lips. This isolation was allegedly for her protection, but she’s not even allowed a blanket much less, health and beauty products. It was kind of Nicky to slip a magazine under Sophia’s cell while she was making the janitorial rounds.
- So, Red is still trapped in that storyline about a snoring bunkmate, huh? I wonder what Kate Mulgrew thinks about this. Shouldn’t Red be starving someone out? Shouldn’t Kate Mulgrew starve some writer out?
- Welp, Maria Ruiz is getting the blame for the Panties for Pervs business. Her sentence is being extended. Piper set the ball in motion, she needs to get shivved, sent to SHU and shivved some more.
- Dear God, why is there blood all over the walls of Sophia’s cell? The only thing in there is the magazine Nicky slipped under the door. What did she do, die by a thousand paper cuts? This is waaay too dark. Remember during the Season 3 bedbug outbreak how we were treated to Black Cindy’s song and dance as she spritzed herself with aerosol disinfectant? “Little spray here, little spray there. Ooh, a little spray in my underwear. Makes the buggies back off. Ooh, makes the buggies piss off. Makes the buggies back way the f–k off, way the f–k off.” This season could use a bit more light moments to counterbalance the darkness.
- Good news, Nicky is returning to the low-security center! Joel Luscheck felt guilty for letting her take the fall for a heroin ring. Who knew he had a conscience? He can thank Judy King for using her connections to make it happen without risking his job. He can also thank Judy King by, ahem, servicing her if you know what I mean. It’s a dirty job but… you know the rest.
We enjoy reading thoughtful and witty comments from OITNB fans. They don’t appear right away but we promise to get to them after we treat Joel Luschek for PTSD.