Poussey and Judy King in the kitchen on Orange is the New Black

8 Thoughts on Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 8: “Friends in Low Places”

The three-day Orange is the New Black binge continues. Netflix released Season 4 on Friday and I’m determined to watch all the episodes before bedtime. Truth be told, my resolve is weakening but here are some more sangria-fueled stream-of-consciousness ramblings.

  1. What does it say that I’m more concerned with Red’s missing mirror and lip liner than I am with the swastika branded into Piper’s arm?
  2. Answer: Piper had it coming. She can’t decide whether she’s a delicate flower or a badass criminal mastermind. Side-eye to her red eyes and trembling lips. Side-eye to her bouts of self-awareness. Piper, I will never find you adorable.
  3. One of the most entertaining plot developments is the reveal that celebrity chef Judy King had a TV show for children, which involved puppets who used the word “jigaboo.” If for no other reason, I love it because we got a scene of Crazy Eyes strolling the halls talking to a sock puppet just to mess with Judy. I think. One can never be too sure with Crazy Eyes. The storyline also gives us another scene with my girl, Poussey, who counsels Judy on how to be a teensy less of a dum-dum.
  4. Nicky stole Red’s mirror and lip liner to trade for drugs? Nooooooo. I don’t want those two fighting and what if Nicky has to go back to SHU? This is upsetting. We’re just getting the band back together.
    Poussey and Judy King in the kitchen on Orange is the New Black
    Judy turns to Poussey when she feels the heat on OITNB
  5. Finally, that whole storyline about Taystee, Crazy Eyes, Black Cindy and Abdullah getting a picture of Judy King paid off in glorious fashion. Poussey explained to the chef that her friends wanted a candid photo of the imprisoned star to sell to the tabloids; the ladies weren’t interested in attacking her because of the racist puppet show. Note: typing the phrase “racist puppet show” is delightful. In any case, Judy was game and surprised Black Cindy with the money shot: an interracial, lesbian kiss. That’s the kind of quirky humor that’s been missing this season.
  6. You know what else has been missing? The fabulousness that is Sophia. It turns out Crystal Burset has taken action to find out what happened to her ex-husband/wife but is being stonewalled. This all seems actionable but the Litchfield Penitentiary is privatized now and something, something, Freedom of Information Act, something.
  7. Yay, a scene devoted to Caputo’s love life … said no one ever.
  8. Oh for God’s sake, the Piper Pity Party continues. Red, Norma and Alex are helping fix this swastika the Latinas burned into Piper’s arm and it involves more branding to turn it into a less swastika-y design. Piper weeps and does the old “What have I done?  God forgive me!” schtick. She’s still Piper and therefore she still sucks. God will never find Piper adorable.

We welcome astute observations and witty commentary from OITNB fans. Comments don’t appear right away, but we promise we’ll get to them.

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