Alex on Orange is the New Black

6 Thoughts on Orange is The New Black Season 4 Episode 1: “Work That Body for Me”

The ladies of Litchfield are back! Netflix released Season 4 of Orange is the New Black today. Here are some stream-of-consciousness ramblings as I begin the binge-watch.

  1. Aydin’s attempt to kill Alex Vause, the Betty Paige of Litchfield didn’t work. I don’t care if she snitched on her ex-boss. Alex is fabulous and no drug kingpin is going to take her down. (I hope.) Aydin’s ring tone is “Bad Day.” What kind of would-be assassin listens to the song stylings of Daniel Powter? He deserved to die a violent death. Sorry, dude. Now let’s hope Kubra Balik gives up on killing Alex. He should listen to “Let it Go,” you know that shit is on Aydin’s playlist.
    Laura Prepon as Alex on Orange is the New Black
    Alex is a wanted woman on OITNB
  2. Aww, Crazy Eyes finally has a girlfriend. That’s sweet. Even though Crazy Eyes is mentally unstable, prone to fits of violence and desperately in need of a visit to Sophia’s hair salon, doesn’t mean she isn’t worthy of love.
  3. Uh-oh, Crazy Eyes’ lady friend is a nutty fangirl. All the inmates enjoyed Crazy Eyes’ bizarre erotica, Time Hump, but Maureen really loves it. This could turn into a Misery scenario. Maureen is Crazy Eyes’ No. 1 fan…
  4. Is there one competent employee at Litchfield? There was the counselor Berdie Rogers, but she’s on leave because she was too good at her job. I wonder if any real-life corrections officers or prison honchos get mad when they watch Orange is the New Black.
  5. Hmm, celebrity chef, Judy King, is an inmate. What’s Red going to say about it if Judy starts whipping up Béchamel sauce and Cobb salad? You know how protective Red is about her kitchen.
  6. Piper Chapman has gotten a little too big for her britches, no? This baddest bitch on the block routine isn’t fooling anyone. I’m still mad about the way she treated Flaca last year. Not to condone rule infractions but Litchfield’s latina crew may need to talk to Piper about the perils of being a bruja.

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