6 Fan Thoughts on Sleepy Hollow: “Whispers in the Dark”

We here at TVRD love watching Sleepy Hollow, writing about Sleepy Hollow and Tweeting about Sleepy Hollow. One of our fellow Sleepyheads has things to say about “Whispers in the Dark.” So, have at it, @CBsGrumpyElf! — Elaine. F.
- Few things delight me more than Functional (Husband) Housemate, Ichabod Crane. He seems positively in his element whilst tidying up their shared abode, much like the Ms. Poppins he’d tried to explain last season to someone else [What was her name again? Oh, it’s on the tip of my—nope, no idea…]
- “Greetings, Agent Reynolds. I am the historical consultant who will rip your arms from their sockets if you lay a single hand on my Lieutenant. Good day, sir.”
- Crane makes a point of attempting to accomplish a goal (adjusting to the modern world) without forgetting who he really is. It’s a parallel to Abbie needing to balance her roles as agent and Witness. Abbie, I trust you; your gut will eventually tell you that The Job will save neither you nor the world, and it would make for poor comfort on a cold Saturday night. Waiting for that realization to hit you…anytime now…
- Oh, Betsy. What to do with you? You’re starting to feel like the girl who shows up to the party uninvited and then does not have the sense to go home early. Your every moment with Crane feels tortuously forced and awkward, and your supposed position as female Indiana Jones falls on its face when you turn so easily to using your boobs to finish a job. Step aside, girl.
- I see it now, why Daniel and Abbie don’t fit: He is a shark, constantly moving in a single direction; here, it is up the FBI ladder as high as he can go. That’s what his mission is; that’s what gets his love and devotion. Given the choice, he’d gladly drop Abbie to chase the greater passion, and I think our Ms. Mills has had quite enough of that in her life. Right now, she may think that she has the same mindset—job, job, job—but we’ve already seen her capacity to refocus, and we know her mission to be a greater one than the FBI could imagine. Plus, we are all aware that “the guy with the accent” would put her first, no question. Enough said.
Photo courtesy of Fox - The Porch Scene. I feel like it needs its own title! Now we see Ichabod Crane when he is amping up his charm factor to 10 and trying to entice a woman; before now, he’s been only the pursued, not the pursuer. I hope we can bask in the warm glow of this as much as I hope that Abbie does. Perhaps it can lead to an epic Witness Charm War, in which they both throw endless bouts of irresistible flirty, touchy, giggly ammunition at one another in their cozy love nest until we are positively bloody with joy. After this scene, shots fired!
We welcome witty and insightful comments from Sleepyheads. They don’t appear right away, but we promise we’ll get to them.
Sleepy Hollow airs Thursdays at 9/8c on Fox