59 Thoughts on Sleepy Hollow Season Premiere

OMG, my “story” is back. According to the TVRD archives, I started fretting about the state of the show in January! I’m not even trying to recap right now, here are some stream-of-consciousness ramblings. A full recap will come when I have calmed myself down.
- Yay, Headless! I heard you weren’t going to be around this season, so happy to see you! Looking as suave as ever. What have you… Oh, well, you’re in the box now.
- There she is, it’s Abbie! Have you ever been this relieved to see a fictional character?
- Yes, yes, we did miss you, Abbie! Have you not been on Twitter? Oh, right.
- You never see metal trash cans in real life, but they are so effective on-screen. Rubbermaid just can’t achieve that satisfying clang.
- Here he is, that damn sexy hobo!
- He is now a damn sexy inmate.
- These two are always in jail. He was behind bars in the first season and then she was behind bars in the second season. Crazy kids.
- There it is, Abbie side-eye. Well, Crane you should have kept in touch. You know how to use a phone by now. Maybe he can’t afford the bill.
- Goddamnit, Katrina’s necklace!
- So, that’s the last time we ever hear about her, right?
- Can’t we just retcon that one and let the five viewers who liked her console themselves with fan-fic?
- Okay, deep cleansing breath, she’s gone now. It was just a reminder of what we went through. It’s not unlike a battle scar.
- Ichabod’s prison name is C-Dawg!
- Nice reference to “It’s a Hard Knock Life,” amusing prison extra. Are you a fan of musicals, Sir, or do you just love Jay-Z? Either way, thank you, Jesus. Heh! The writers are on it.
- Seriously, they would not allow that necklace in prison, Crane. If you sold that cursed thing, you could probably find a little studio apartment. It’s more than 200 years old, sell it!
- Here it comes, Ichabod is already starting with the “our future” rap. Come on, say it, you know you are just dying to say it, Crane. Say “our fates entwined.”
- Abbie is an agent now, not a lieutenant. Season One Abbie’s dream came true. It’s great that the writers didn’t abandon that.
- Oh, the boots. Thank God. I was afraid he’d be wearing Vans or Toms or some douchey Ed Hardy foolishness.
- Abbie said Crane doesn’t have to address her as Agent Mills. That’s good because it’s so endearing when he calls her “Leftenenat.”
- Here we go with those twitchy fingers. Ichabod had no problems in jail because the other inmates knew he could poke an eye out with all that flailing. How I’ve missed those crazy hands.
- Nine months and a continent apart, yet they their psychic bond led them to get the same hairstyle. Married couples start to look alike.
- Girl, you know you are partners. Stop trying to deny it.
- No, keep denying it, Ichabod needs this wake-up call.
- It’s so cool seeing Abbie as an FBI agent. She’s got on those “Two by Two, Hands of Blue” gloves, and she is ready to work, giving instructions about forensics and such.
- Drug trafficking! Who knew that Sleepy Hollow was such a hotbed of criminal activity? Have we ever seen a case in that village that was plain old crime? Has there ever been a shoplifter or jaywalker?
- Ichabod is talking about seven tribulations; he is pretty much begging for six more years. I see you, Ichabod. You fool nobody. You might as well, just show up in a Hashtag Ichabbie T-shirt.
- We understand Dani, he is a damn sexy jailbird. Stand in line.
- Pandora looks like she’s on it with the evil, and she will probably be more efficient than Moloch. I think we’ll get on nicely.
- Jenny!!!! Woooo-hooooooooo! Oh, to have seen you in the paralegal office. She can battle demons, but can she change the ink cartridge in the printer?
- Ichabod is so grateful to be with his Leftenant and Miss Jenny in the archives. He missed his musty books so much. He needs this more than they do. Abbie has an exciting career and has moved past Witnessing, but Ichabod has two things he can cling to: his knowledge of history and his ability to Witness. Without Abbie, he can’t do the latter. His family betrayed him, he must have been quite lonely.
- The tomes are just gathering dust in the archive, which will be demolished? Come on, don’t the Mills sisters want keepsakes? Especially Jenny, who has always been a true believer.
- Hi, Nikki Reed. Welcome, Twilight fans
- Didn’t Ichabod imply that Betsy Ross was stalky and that he hid from her?
- You never know with Crane. I have long suspected he just makes shit up to impress Abbie.
- I can hear her! Betsy Ross’ voice is audible! Upgrade!
- She’s forward though, does Ichabod like such brazen behavior?
- I thought he looked askance at trousers on a lady? Well, that’s what he said, but I guess she’s in disguise, so maybe its’s acceptable.
- That kiss did not seem welcome. Hmmm, women throw themselves at Ichabod. He may not be used to pursuing a woman. Katrina simply informed him they were going to be a thing; he was gobsmacked when Mary Wells tracked him and was bewildered by Caroline’s attention. Question: has Ichabod ever had to do the chasing?
- Caroline would enjoy this restaurant, no? I wish she hadn’t died. Fare thee well, Caroline. Pouring out a 40 of mead for you.
- Ichabod, stop complaining about the Eggs Benedict Arnold and apply for a job at Colonial Times.
- Seriously, though, how has he supported himself for nine months? Plane fare is expensive. When did JetBlue start offering trans-Atlantic flights?
- I like Pandora’s fashion sense. That cape works. Oh, and it’s reversible; now it’s a hooded jacket. Handy.
- Mr. TV Recaps wanders into the room to point out that nothing good ever happens on the road to Sleepy Hollow.
- Yay! A Sheriff Corbin photo! Please, give us more audio recordings. Clancy Brown’s rich voice is everything.
- The Jenny and Ichabod friendship is genuine. They really “get” each other and they both need to fight paranormal forces more than Abbie, who is busy bringing down the Sleepy Hollow organized crime syndicate.
- Look at Jenny and her Tang Dynasty gunpowder knowledge, that’s why she is a champion.
- Sorry, C. Thomas Howell but a law enforcement career in this town is perilous. Nice callback to the pilot with the “Agent down.”
- Mr. TV Recaps wanders in again to note, “So Abbie’s bosses don’t last for long except for Captain Irving.”
- Poor Sheriff Reyes.
- There are so many little callbacks, here’s another one: Abbie reluctantly accepting that she is a Witness. Every time she thought she was out…
- Ichabbie hug!!!! And she touched his face! Rewind!
- Okay, I call monkeyshines. Abbie must be standing on a crate because she usually faces Ichabod’s ribcage when they are hugging. #ShortGirlsRepresent
- Mr. TV Recaps drifts by to mention that Jenny got knocked out and maybe they should check on her before hugging.
- Mr. TV Recaps does not have his head in the shipping game.
- He is kind of right.
- Aww, this extra said the figures on the tablet look like Ichabod and Abbie. That means Ichabbie is symbolically etched in stone. Boom! How is that for canon?
- Are they Destroyers now? Does that mean no more Witnessing?
- Bless your heart for mentioning the show on Twitter, Ian Somerhalder. Welcome, Vampire Diaries fans.
- Trending? On Shonda night? When Scandal is on? Nice job, Sleepyheads!
A full recap is coming soon.
What are your thoughts on tonight’s show? Comments don’t appear right away, but we’ll get to them!
Sleepy Hollow airs at Thursdays at 9/8c on Fox.
Thanks for that! Adorable and hilarious. I love this itemized recap.
Thank you, Melissa!