Lori Petty as Lolly on Orange is the New Black

7 Thoughts on Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 7: “It Sounded Nicer in My Head”

The Orange is the New Black binge continues. Netflix released Season 4 two days ago. With a couple of espresso shots, I should be able to power through the rest before bed. Here are some stream-of-consciousness ramblings as I binge. Let’s go!

  1. Piper’s merry band of White Powerpuff Girls is enjoying their new community of hate but there is some resistance from our regulars. Hillbilly Pennsatucky isn’t involved, though her moronic former acolytes Leanne and Angie are, but those dum-dums have never sat at the Algonquin Roundtable.
  2. Words of wisdom from philosopher Lorna Morello: “I don’t think racism should be a group activity. It’s private.” Let’s have a round of applause for Lorna Morello, ladies and gentlemen.
  3. Piper has the gall to mope about as she tries to distance herself from this powderkeg. The West Side Story situation all started because of Piper’s side business of providing used panties to pervs. She became a dictator, so the Latinas founded a rival business. Piper got her knickers in a twist, things spiraled out of control, the panties were exposed and Maria Ruiz was punished with an extended sentence. Naturally, CO Piscatella didn’t believe Ruiz when she told him that Princess Piper launched the business. Watch your back, Pipes.
    Lori Petty as Lolly on Orange is the New Black
    A tinfoil hat would be the perfect accessory for Lolly on OITNB
  4.  I was wondering about Lolly, who is nutty as a fruitcake. Big surprise: she was always nutty as a fruitcake. Despite her wackadoo conspiracy theories, it doesn’t look like she ever got help with her mental health. It’s fun watching actress Lori Petty bounce off the walls, but like most of the OITNB backstories, Lolly’s is poignant.
  5. Piper just got jumped! Yikes, this is a brutal scene. Ruiz and some of her crew dragged Piper to the kitchen. That open flame so close to Piper’s face is making me nervous. Ah, I see, Piper’s arm is getting branded with a swastika.
  6. It’s about time. It only took Vern Schillinger about a day to give Tobias Beecher the mark of shame.
  7. Welp, Panty Princess, that’s one form of brand management. You brought this on yourself, girl. #ThugLife

We welcome witty and astute observations from OITNB fans. Comments don’t appear right away but we promise we’ll get to them as soon as we find Poussey.

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