5 Spin-off Ideas for UnREAL’s “Everlasting”
The fresh, witty, dark comedy UnREAL, my favorite new summer show is winding down. On the episode, “Two,” Quinn pushed “The Suitor” Adam to agree to a spin-off featuring his first year of marriage to one of the ladies. Not that I obsess over this show — which offers a fictional take on the Dementors behind dating competitions like The Bachelor and The Bachelorette — and by that I mean I totally obsess over this show. Here are submissions for “Everlasting” spin-offs.

Photo courtesy of Lifetime
1. Ladies on Top: The “Everlasting” contestants are reunited again, but this time the women take control in a groundbreaking look at BDSM culture. Watch what happens as they dominate a variety of bottoms. The series features weekly “swap meets” in which the ladies explore their options at a lavish formal evening known as the ball-gag. The men show their worth by entering a vault and piecing together cryptic messages known as “Safe Words.” Quinn King serves as executive producer.
2. ForEVER Hungry: Katniss Everdeen meets Survivor as the ladies split up into tribes and are given rudimentary weapons to stalk and kill their prey. Will it be pheasant, trout, or rabbit stew? The losing team must vote off one member to forage in the woods for potentially lethal mushrooms and berries. May the odds be EVER in your favor, ladies! Graham hosts and Rachel Goldberg serves as executive producer.
3. LAST Dance: The contestants are together again for a live ten-week round-the-clock dance marathon. Dancing with The Stars meets the 1935 Horace McCoy novel, They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? The ladies are paired up with professional dancers and drop it like it’s hot — or until they drop dead. Special musical guests include Robin Thicke, Nickleback. and The Eagles. Shia serves as executive producer.
4. From Adam to Eve: Adam who? The “Everlasting” ladies get together again for a journey of self-discovery as they look for love with one another. The last couple standing wins a Subaru! Faith serves as executive producer.
5. Against Type: Hilarity ensues when women of different races, cultures and nationalities come together to fight stereotypes. Sassy Athena aka Nomarosa and spicy Grace co-star in the series which revolves around Britney, a white girl whose eyes are opened as she sways at her first gospel choir service with Athena and practices Latin dance moves with Grace’s large, boisterous and close-knit “familia.” Laugh along as Britney takes Athena and Grace to the country club where they hilariously balk at eating escargot. Watch what happens when Athena and Grace share simple wisdom to help Brit’s stuffy family loosen up and enjoy life! Jay serves as executive producer.
Psst, Marti Noxon, call me!
UnREAL airs Mondays at 10/9c on Lifetime