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  1. First off, happy belated birthday. Glad you allowed your loved ones to spoil you, unlike a certain fictional character that made me super mad left and right. Here’s Crane being all romantic and she blows him off?! I get it, trauma and she doesn’t want to talk about it. Still made me very angry… like I was shouting at the TV ready to shake it angry. Fictional characters create real emotions.

    I agree with you about Clancy Brown. Gimme a voice over, a flashback, a haunting where he slaps some sense into Abbie, anything. I LOVE that man! Love him I say!

    Love to read your rantings. They’re the highlight of my day, honestly.

    1. Hi Gena. Thanks for writing. You know I live to amuse Sleepyheads, so I’m glad I brightened your day. We are on the same page and will have to have a talk with Abbie. 🙂

  2. I’ve really been fascinated by the decor, it’s presumably Abbie’s but, yes when did she find time to knick knack and get pictures up? But I love it all because those scenes together at the house, are so well-played it makes it feel like it’s a real home. What other show can make you just as happy and interested in such domestic day to day?

    1. Hi Tam, thanks for writing. Glad you also enjoy Abbie’s home design. She’s put a lot of thought into it. 🙂

  3. Happy belated birthday! Great recap 😁 . I always look forward to them each week. I was so annoyed at Abbie for dissing poor Crane and his home cooked meal of love. I don’t know why the writers keep doing this to us.

  4. I love Abbie’s development, it’s about time but there is a weird pattern with this show that apparently it’s impossible for them to develop both witness with interesting stories at the same time. They just can’t grasp that the show needs to be focused on Abbie and Crane like it was on season 1. Now that we have Abbie back, it’s Crane that is slowly being sidelined for all the other plots around. He is practically relegated to house husband and nothing more. It’s cute but it’s not even more than 2 seconds of screen time between them talking.
    There are so many loose ends and secondary characters right now that they are adding to the kitchen. There is Sophie, there is Danny that seems like a creepy boss hitting on his employee; there is Joenny romance development, there is FBI shady guys.
    They made a huge mistake sidelining one lead before and now the formula is to sideline the other? Are they really going for a romance with Danny? This would be the Katrina II . Any secondary character added between them, specially as love interest will have the Katrina effect of alienate the viewers that watch the show for the two of them together ( or like the viewers that have Abbie as favorite, may have Crane as favorite).
    I hope the next episodes clarify this season is back to Abbie + Crane focus mostly because Abbie seems colder than ever towards her fellow witness.
    If they are going for Abbie’s and Danny boy as plot they did before for Crane and Katrina, I’ll skip like I did before.

    1. Hi Debora,

      Thanks for writing! I think the focus on Abbie is calibrating the scales because S2 was so egregious. Regarding Daniel, I like him as a temporary ship obstacle because I want to see Crane wrestle as the odd man out and have to really work for Abbie. I’m ridiculously excited about this Abbie mystery. You can’t skip. This is like the Hotel California, no leaving allowed. 🙂

  5. Love everything you said. Especially with Ichabod spoiling Abbie. We need this. We deserve this. Didn’t you get the feeling that they might hug at any moment during that entire episode? Also I’ve become obsessed with the look on his face after Abbie tells him to stop spoiling her. So funny.

    1. Hi Yaisha,

      Thank you for commenting, I’m glad you were entertained. I need to watch it a second time for the hug-potential moments. I was too busy freaking out over the whole dinner preparation to focus. 🙂

  6. Love this review! #10 had me rolling over laughing. Someone talk some sense into her, STAT!!
    I can’t wait to see how everything folds together. I’m hoping Crane learns sooner rather than later about Abbie’s creepy shed shrine and crazy person journal.

    1. Hi Chelle, thanks so much for commenting. You know it’s my goal to entertain Sleepyheads. I LOVE the phrase: “creepy shed shrine and crazy person journal!”

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