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  1. Oh now you got me wanting to call Pandora “Lil Miss Crazypants” and yea thanks for giving me a new name for Modchick Girl.. i can take that and run with it..and RORO Boobsy is in this one Yikes must turn away.
    But I did love the Mills Sisters bonding over strange shit that has happen to them when they tell the little girl.. Abbie will make a great Mom… Ichy need to bone up on his parenting skills if he plan on having his own Ichababy with Abbie. LOL

    But great review as always

  2. Hi Elaine!
    I just HAVE to tell you that your posts about SH are HILARIOUS!!! No joke, I seriously laugh out loud at your “ramblings.” I was cracking up at the other one you wrote last week, too! I love it! How do you come up with this stuff?!? You have a way with thoughts. LOL.

    I would catch bits and pieces of SH during the 1st and 2nd season, but it was only during the tail-end of the 2nd season that I decided to make it a point to start watching weekly….and honestly, that was because I started reading articles about how bad the 2nd season had become and how the ratings had dropped tremendously. I had been totally oblivious to the negative talk about the show’s downfall (as I wasn’t a regular viewer). I was happy it scored a 3rd season, and I’m liking it so far. As I’m not big on sci-fi/supernatural shows, it’s truthfully Tom Mison’s hotness that’s the real reason I watch. Haha. I do, also, want Ichabbie together romantically, so I’m also watching in hopes that it’ll actually happen.

    Looking forward to your “ramblings” next week! 🙂


    1. Hi Paisley, thanks commenting and the kind words. I like your thoughts, too. 🙂 The writers are doing a good job of turning the show around, so they deserve some applause.

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