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  1. Your recaps have been sorely missed! Welcome back!

    And your description of what Crane does with people who show too much interest in Abbie had me bursting out laughing. Love it.

  2. I didn’t want Abbie to just have any kiss because the writers are schizo any more than I wanted Crane to date or be with anyone else. Dannie has been a total ass, they barely have acted like there is anything between them, they build up Ichabbie and then have her decide she wants Danny and they kiss? I’m so done. I’m so tired of the writers flip flopping all over the place and leading me on for nothing. I would have stopped watching long before this. I was barely holding on. There may only be 2 episodes left and they wait this long to throw in Danabbie when I would rather see the witnesses just work together if that’s all I’m going to get.. And then they throw some conjured up Betsy love for Ichabod. I just can’t. Why do they have to keep throwing them at other people. I’d seriously rather them both be single then to see them with anyone else. It’s distracting, thrown together, and never well written. You have Danabbie be icy cold and then he says he loved her….really? Cause I wasn’t feeling that between them. Even Abbie was surprised. I don’t want her to settle. And now, they have her with the liar who is working with an enemy. Great. I’m just so done.

    1. Hi Scyren. I hear you. I’m totally Team Ichabbie and waiting for that kiss, too. The one thing I like about this development is that it shows Abbie’s other options. I like the heroine having more than just one man to focus on even if he is the one I want her to be with. Don’t be done, you can never be done. It’s like Hotel California.

  3. So glad you are back. You’re recaps are such a delight. #20 is now my favorite of all time.

  4. Nice recap, and it’s glad to have you back.
    I know I’m in the minority when I say this, but it needs to be said: Danny is a great option for Abbie, and he isn’t the total ass that people want him to be. He’s been lied to, kept in the dark left and right by several people on his team, all while covering for Abbie during her periods of instability. Remember that Reyes was much tougher on Abbie, much more restrictive on Ichabod and Witness work than Danny has ever been. Anything that Danny shouts at Abbie about, Reyes would have written her up or suspended her for it already. He has also gone to bat for Abbie with that shady Walters. Remember when Walters tried to suggest that Abbie was unraveling? Danny clapped back really quick and shut that down. This SH writing team is limited in its abilities to develop characters, but they haven’t totally messed it up with Danny.

    I thought Betsy Ross was tolerable this episode. At least her work on the flag tied in very nicely to supernatural Colonial lore. I think the three-person team that wrote this episode did good work.

    1. Hi Taboo, thanks for writing! You make a strong case for Daniel. As a hardcore Ichabbie shipper, I approve of Abbie having another romantic relationship,as long as it’s relatively short-term. It’s good for Abbie not to automatically fall into Crane’s arms after Katrina and Crextra aka Zoe. I like the idea of her being hard to get, Crane needs the challenge.

      I enjoyed the episode too, but I enjoy most of them. 🙂

  5. LMBO ok. After reading this. I feel so much better after I read comments on the tv by numbers site. Which there were tons of ppl, who complained that they haven’t watched the show since season 2 & complained about the ratings. Then other folks who haven’t watched since season 1 & complain about the plot & ratings. It makes no sense!

    Like you, I was excited for Abbie. We actually got to see her make out!!! It’s not Ichabbie & of course they could have incorporated sexual chocolate FBI agent Danny Reynolds into the plot more. Flashbacks of Abbie & Danny in that special shack on the beach. Would have made the fans connect with the idea of Danny & Abbie a little more.
    If they would have continued that relationship from the start of season 3. I would have love to see the struggle Abbie would have had with keeping the secret from Danny while fighting monsters & maintaining a partnership with Crane. Crane ‘s struggle with Abbie not available to him at all times & him finally revealing that he gets his money from an account from the Rev or Katrina had set up after his death in season 1 lol Danny is ready for Abbie to leave Crane behind and have her choose! I think I got excited from that plot! Be in love or save the world? Ok, I’m sorry. I’m glad you’re back lol

    1. Hi Dawn, thanks for commenting! Aww, your kind words warm my heart. Let this be your refuge. 🙂 You gotta roll your eyes at bored commenters who go to the trouble to announce: “I don’t even watch this show but I must still bitterly complain about it.” It’s like that line in Mean Girls: “She doesn’t even go here.”

      The thing I like about Danny is it gives Crane some competition and I like a good love triangle. Your ideas are fun, please join the SH writing staff to bring them to fruition. 🙂

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